Logotron educational software
Partners with the teaching profession - Pioneers in Learning
education software
primary software creative tools for learning ICT secondary software tools for enquiring minds

Imagine Logo (Secondary)

Subject:  ICT
Age range:  11-16 Years
National Curriculum:  Key Stage 3-4
Scottish Curriculum:  Level D-Standard Grade
Publisher:  Logotron

Imagine Logo is a brand new version of Logo with web integration, powerful animation and extensive multimedia capability. A natural progression from the ubiquitous SuperLogo, it provides an outstanding, future-proofed, general purpose educational tool for teachers and learners of all abilities.

There is also a companion website full of guides, hints, tips, downloadable resources and a Project Gallery of some of our users' best Imagine Logo work to date.

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The Imagine Project Gallery has a growing section of mathematics projects using IMAGINE LOGO.

They have been used in maths classrooms up and down the country.
They are designed to provide you with resources that you can use immediately.

Why Imagine Logo for Mathematics teachers:
  • Helpful, easy to use reference guide
  • Unique choosers, sliders and buttons to help you create activities
  • Ability to employ multiple animated turtles
  • User friendly - quick to master
  • Tutorials to build 'click and drag' programs to explore mathematical concepts and ideas.
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Communicate Ideas

Another new development is the ability to communicate across a network. The unique Net Class chooser in 'direct drive mode' provides a host of opportunities for secondary pupils to investigate networking.

Similar to most modern programming environments, Imagine Logo fully exploits communication and collaboration technologies.

Utilizing this high-level network support, users of all ages and abilities can create many simple yet effective network projects.

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  • Establish client-server connections
  • Quickly recognize status of connection and connected users
  • Send messages, data and objects easily
  • Easily send programs and run instructions remotely
  • Quickly process events and received data 'Save as Exe file' feature, save any project as a full windows .exe program.

By utilising these sophisticated but simple to use tools pupils can undertake exciting projects like object teleporting, distributed computing, data collecting and game programming.

It will encourage pupils to communicate and collaborate in the Secondary classroom.

    Why Imagine Logo for ICT Curriculum Co-ordinators:

    You can use it to:

    • Communicate ideas
    • Work with control
    • Compose music
    • Build project presentations
    • Use throughout the school with all ages and abilities.
    • Teachers and pupils are supported by the Turtle's Guide, an activity book which helps develop core ICT skills and concepts such as:
      • Creating Multimedia presentations for projects
      • Mathematical investigation through modelling
    Click here to enlarge

    Multimedia Projects

    Imagine Logo makes the actual process of designing and creating a screen based multimedia project a rich and engaging learning experience. It promotes the development of problem solving skills, critical thinking and the creative use of ICT and is unsurpassed at letting your students learn through exploration and construction.

    Imagine Logo is versatile enough to be used in any National Curriculum subject. Script the behaviour of your web based or multimedia projects with the most powerful, object-oriented Logo language ever.

    Click here to enlarge

    • Unlimited turtles - each turtle can carry a sophisticated animation on its back
    • Parallel processes - easily create interactions between turtles
    • Buttons for scripted actions - drag and drop onto a page and easily add behaviours
    • Sliders to visually play with variables - just drag and drop onto your project page
    • Many pages in a single project - each project now contains a 'stack' of pages
    • Music editor - use the drag and drop notation editor for quickly creating melodies
    • Integrated painting and drawing tools - paint directly on the background of any page
    • Voice input - control your projects by just speaking into a microphone!
    • Text to speech - add realistic speech to any project you make, even on the web!
    • Save a project for the web - save media rich projects with all assets included - easily!
    • Compile media rich projects as a full windows .exe program for redistribution - easily!


    Imagine Logo also comes with the Logomotion Animation Editor - a powerful tool to help create a wide range of static or animated graphic objects to include in your Imagine Logo projects or to use on your web pages.

    • Support for anti-aliasing and alpha channel transparency
    • Onion skinning for creating animations
    • Hot spot animations
    • Full range of drawing tools - pen, pencil, felt tip, eraser
    • Full range of effects - smudge, smear, colour, lighten, darken, soften, sharpen
    • Automatic generation of rotations - turn a .gif into a rotating turtle/logo animation
    • Automatic transformations - resize, flip, rotate and anti-aliase frames
    • File and animation organizer - view your images and animations as frames

    Logomotion provides excellent tools for:

    • Drawing and Painting
    • Writing text in any font, style, colour and size onto graphics
    • Inserting basic geometric shapes, lines, ellipses and rectangles.
    • Creating turtle animations to use in Imagine Logo

    Why Imagine Logo for Design & Technology Teachers:

    Imagine Logo has been designed to help you enrich project work with:

    • Presentation tools
    • Web based project frameworks
    • Design brief frameworks
    • Animation features
    • Speech input and output
    • Free web plug-in for publishing your projects on the web or on your school intranet
    • Web based step by step guides on using each application
    • New CommPort class which enables the user to use serial and parallel communication ports to connect with hardware devices.
    • Allowing users to create procedures and connect to robotics or datalogging hardware, to see their procedure in action.

    Imagine Logo and Logomotion have been designed to provide you with advanced bitmap and animation editing tools for coursework projects:

    • Powerful tools to transform animations, or animated films, frame by frame to create your own animated presentation or web graphics
    • Develop and modify standard Windows icons and cursors for specific users as part of a design brief
    • Alter or create web graphics, to be used as background pictures, within Imagine Logo or outside the Imagine Logo environment:
      • Resize, rotate and add colour to images
      • A powerful image editor and animation tool with a complete range of effects and transformation

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    Click here to enlarge

    Free Resources

    Imagine Logo is supported and enhanced by a host of quality manuals and beginners guides but in addition Imagine Logo also has a resources website providing project galleries, step by step guides, hints and tips, plug-ins and the latest

    Project Gallery - A collection of projects, constantly extended and enhanced this gallery is an ideal starting point for understanding the capabilities of Imagine Logo and perfect for getting pupils started.

    Step by Step Guides and Hints and Tips - A host of useful in-depth, step by step guides that will help pupils and teachers understand to grasp the fundamentals of Imagine Logo and offer them a core group of skills on which to build their own projects.

    Manuals and Guides - All Imagine Logo orders are supplied with two colourful guides on how to best utilise this astonishing tool, packed with support, advice and 'how to' guides they are priceless collection of materials that help make Imagine Logo effective and enthralling from the outset.

    Plug-ins and Downloads - The latest version of Imagine Logo is always FREELY available for existing users ensuring you are always working with the latest updates, often incorporated thanks to customer feedback, in addition download the Imagine Logo plugin and begin using the projects available on the website.

    Please complete the form below. You will then be able to download your demo

    file for Windows Demo Setup.exe (File size: 7,54 MB)


    Format and Licence Status Ex.Vat Inc.Vat Code 19015
    Windows CD-Single User £59.00 £70.80 60884-SU
    Windows CD-Licence 5 users £74.00 £88.80 60884-L5
    Windows CD-Licence 10 users £125.00 £150.00 60884-L10
    Windows CD-Licence 20 users £175.00 £210.00 60884-L20
    Windows CD-Licence 30 users £223.00 £267.60 60884-L30
    Windows CD-Site Licence £300.00 £360.00 60884-L
    Book-Single User Secondary £19.00 £22.80 60915-SU
    eDownload-Single User Full Version Download £78.18 £93.82 60990-SU
    Network compatible
    Requires title in bold(Single User license)
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