Making sense of primary science
The natural successor to Junior Datalogging Insight, iLOG Junior takes Primary Datalogging to a new level. A host of experiments can quickly be conducted using datalogging interfaces or sensors, and using it on an interactive whiteboard, a whole class can observe experimental results.
iLOG Junior is designed to make data-logging attractive, fun and rewarding for pupils.
The software can be used to collect, display and analyse live data as well as previously collected data from a remote interface. It works with many sensor inputs, including Light, Sound, Motion, Humidity, Voltage and Current.
iLOG Junior works with a wide range of manufacturers’ hardware. It supports over 40 datalogging interfaces – old and new - helping you maximise the effectiveness of your existing hardware.
A unique movie window lets you link the data, or the sensors, to engaging animations that appeal to younger children. By using these animations pupils are motivated to explore sensing, timing & modelling imaginatively; to contemplate the meaning of graphs, shapes, patterns & trends and use measurement to investigate science.
Using the new ‘virtual logger’ pupils can simulate logging onscreen - drawing data from a built-in library of sample files or from online sources - without the need for hardware.
iLOG Junior is supported by a wealth of resources to help pupils gain confidence using the software.
The Welcome Wizard, unique to iLOG Junior, helps pupils and teachers get results with minimum of fuss: setting up experiments, collecting and observing data, measuring motion and animating cartoon movies. It also contains a series of demonstration videos.
The software incorporates an extensive library of sample files:
- 24 set-up files - complete with onscreen instructions - allowing pupils to get started with experiments quickly
- 20 sample data files - useful for practice in using the analysis tools and interpreting data. Example topics include: Temperature Control, Speed and Timing, Colour and Light Reflection, Sound Absorption and more
- 16 cartoon movie files – fun activities for learning to use sensors and to understand graphs.
Existing Insight customers receive a 30% discount on iLOG Junior software and licensing!
Download a demo version of the software, by filling in the form below, which is called Insight Analysis, because it contains sample files from both the Primary and the Secondary versions of the software. Here is what Insight Analysis can do:
- Insight Analysis offers the full set of data analysing features from the data-logging and modelling program Insight iLOG Studio
- Any files saved with Insight iLOG Junior or Insight iLOG Studio can be opened in Insight Analysis, and the stored data analysed
- Insight iLOG files may incorporate experiment reports and instructions for performing tasks with data
- Insight Analysis also accepts keyboard entry of data which may be displayed as a graph and analysed using the Insight tools
- Descriptive notes may be added and saved together with data in files using the Insight iLOG format
- You cannot, however, import saved data from a logger or record data in real-time from any hardware tool