Logotron educational software
Partners with the teaching profession - Pioneers in Learning
education software
primary software creative tools for learning ICT secondary software tools for enquiring minds


Ictopus, Eryl Connolly
Published Sharing Good Practice Newsletter – Summer Edition July 2008, pg 5
"Thinking with Pictures is a valuable framework for all types of topics and concepts for teachers and pupils in primary schools and beyond."

Primary Choice, Marc Bowen
Published Issue 2 2007, pg 12-13
"Teachers can be easily deterred from exploiting the full potential of on-screen control software as it may be unfamiliar and used infrequently across the curriculum. Junior Control Insight addresses these problems with an intuitive interface."

Primary Choice, Sharon Torrance

Published Issue 2 2007, pg 22-23
"An invaluable tool for teaching fractions, decimals and percentages. Provides plenty of scope for creating your own activities to suit the needs of your class."

InteracTive, Adrian Porter
Published November 2006, pg 44
"There is plenty of scope to encourage creativity and to develop a clearer idea of notation at the same time."

Interactive has now been replaced by a new IT magazine called e-Learning Today, full details are available on our website.

Thinking with Pictures
Logic & Emotion - Article on Mindmapping
Published October 2006
"...going digital allows us to share and modify mindmaps rapidly."

Teaching & Learning, Jan Blake
Published August/September 2006, pg 20-21.
Jan Blake discusses ways to use football statistics to teach dat handling to children at KS2.

InteracTive, Adrian Porter
Published June/July 2006, pg 46.
"To sum up, this is an attractive mind-mapping purchase that is intuitive to use."

InteracTive, Adrian Porter
Published June/July 2006, pg 34.
"This database is...easy to load, easy to access, easy to operate, yet is
powerful and contains a wealth of first-rate cross-curriular resources...."

ICT Test Bed Evaluation, Julie Toothill, Class Teacher, Hartside Primary School, Durham
Published 2005.
"The children appreciated the editing facility of the art program, felt more in control and a greater sense of achievement about the work they had produced on Revelation. The teacher feels that the children have not just learned new ICT skills through using the program, but rather had more confidence in approaching the activity on paper when they had used the art program first."

Imagine Logo - ATM Review
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Louise Siaw ICT coordinator, Penwortham School, Wandsworth, London & Peter Winbourne London South Bank University.
Published June 2006.
"Imagine Logo is such a powerful tool for young minds that it is hard to resist its allure...For some children it could, indeed, give wings to their imagination as Logotron intends."

Computer Shopper, Mike Bedford.
Published 06 May 2006.
"The end result has a very polished appearance, even down to the shape and positioning of the arrows. This could help provide that vital extra bit of impact in a business presentation."

Logotron Visual Fractions - ATM Review
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Judy Sayers, Senior Lecturer in primary and early years mathematics education, University College Northampton.
Published June 2006.
"I like this little piece of software. It gives me the flexibility to run the activities as they are, but, more usefully, to alter existing activities AND create new ones to suit my children in my lesson at the time I want it."

Logotron Visual Fractions, CD Rom of the Week
Education Guardian, Critics Choice.
Published 09 May 2006, pg 7.
"This is an invaluable tool that every teacher would find useful. A stimulating piece of software."

Junior Simulation Insight
EC&T, Paul Heinrich, ICT Adviser for Portsmouth City Council.
Published December 2005. "This really is a most exciting program, allowing children to explore science using similar modelling techniques to professional scientists."

Simulation Insight
EC&T, Paul Heinrich, ICT Adviser for Portsmouth City Council.
Published December 2005. "This innovative package provides a valuable tool with which to explore complex concepts that cannot readily be demonstrated in the laboratory while demonstrating to pupils the power of simulations as a scientific tool."

Naace Primary Focus on Art and Design and Design and Technology, Kathryn Broadhurst, Headteacher - Green Lane Infant School in Leicester.
Published Spring 2006, pg 14-15. "For me, it has put Art back into an overcrowded curriculum and has ensured that it will not be elbowed out again."

The Revelation Natural Art Project in Torbay
Read four articles about this digital art project run in a primary school in Torbay, Devon. Published between June - July 2005 in the Torbay Herald, the Torbay View, and The Primary Times, Devon.

Special Children, Oliver Caviglioli & Tina Detheridge
Published February/March 2006, pg 18-20. "...the transparency of pupils' thinking when using visual tools allows teachers to maximise the opportunities of assessment for learning. Visual tools make ideas come alive." 

Thinking with Pictures: A Picture Paints a 1,000 Words
TES Online, Tim Rylands.
Published 06 January 2006.
"Thinking with Pictures, the new model mapping software package from Logotron, is a must-have product for every primary school."

Revelation Natural Art - A Different Stroke
TES Teacher, Jack Kenny.
Published 21 October 2005.
"Natural media effects allow users to work with the same tools on the computer that they would in their real art and design lessons... You can almost smell and feel the wax of the crayon."

Revelation Sight & Sound - A Natural Successor
TES Online, Jack Kenny.

Published 04 November 2005.
"When you see the whole package you will agree. It has been put together by people who want to release video-making from the clutches of the media police."

InteracTive, George Rowley.
Published September/October 2005, pg 32-33. Thinking Skills Visual Thinking Concept Mapping"The product comes with a range of curriculum-ready resources that enable teachers to quickly integrate the software into teaching."

Revelation Sight & Sound
Junior Education, Scholastic Ltd, Tim Rylands.
Published September 2005, pg 58.
"The scope for using Revelation Sight & Sound in ICT lessons and, more importantly, across the curriculum - is awesome."

Thinking with Pictures
Junior Education, Scholastic Ltd, Tim Rylands.

Published October 2005, pg 62.
"With Thinking Skills now having a prominent place within all areas of the curriculum - across all age groups - Thinking With Pictures is one program everyone should plan to use."
Early Years embedding ICTwww.scholastic.co.uk

Thinking with Pictures
The Independent
, Computers in Schools
Published 2nd March 2006
"This is a great all-round and must have additional programme for any teacher's armoury, spanning almost any subject area, age and ability."

Read Logotron's Case Studies

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