Free Educational Resources
Revelation Natural Art
Here, you can find Schemes of Work full of suggestions on how the software can be implemented in your classroom. A Quick Start Guide for each software level: Simple, Junior and Advanced, helps you get up and running. Additionally, there are three Step by Step Activites, a list of Useful Weblinks, a table of keyboard shortcuts, and a Gallery of some of the best artwork sent in by users.
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Dragon Pathways To get you started visit the Top Tips page, view the Guide to the Stones, or work your way through a simple step by step to building activities. There is also a summary of the example files supplied with Dragon Pathways, alongside 18 FREE (and brand new) examples to download. There is also a colelction of FREE background graphics for you to download.
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Notate Here you can find useful Hints and Tips and a Keyboard Shortcuts page to help you with the Notate software. Learn about the Notation used in the software and view a simple Music Glossary. Find out how Notate can be used within the KS1 ICT Curriculum or the KS2 ICT Curriculum. For general information about Music in schools read: Making Every Child's Music Matter - Music Manifesto Report no.2 (PDF format). There is also a free downloadable booklet to go with the software, in PDF format called Making Music – First Steps.
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 Simulation Insight & Junior Simulation Insight Here you will find information about the example files in both versions of the software. You can also download a set of additional sound files and learn how to add them to your simulations. Also, visit the section about keyboard shortcuts.
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Junior Viewpoint
Download FREE example files on a range of curriculum based topics, including the latest set of Sports based datafiles looking at Football, Olympic Athletics, and Formula1. Learn about extra features in 'List View'. Visit the section about handy keyboard shortcuts.
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Download example files on a range of curriculum based subjects. Learn about ViewPoint features. Visit the FAQ section. Follow the tutorials available here on a number of topics.
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 Control Insight & Junior Control Insight
Read about the ideas behind Control Insight. Learn how to edit, animate, and add sound to objects for use in the software.
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 Datalogging Insight & Junior Datalogging Insight
See which dataloggers are compatible with our software. Get FREE downloadable workcards to use in your classroom and discover how modelling can be integrated with datalogging.
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Imagine Logo
Download the Imagine Logo Plug-in from here and then view the projects in the gallery. Visit the 'Hints and Tips' section to learn more about how Imagine Logo can be used.
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Thinking with Pictures
Introduction to the ideas behind concept mapping, visual learning, and graphic organizers. Discover the differences between concept maps and mind maps. Includes thinking skills resources, downloads, templates and 'how to' guides.
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Revelation Sight & Sound
Here you will find advice on the minimum spec PC you can use with the software, a listing of useful websites about film-making, documentary archives and animations, and keyboard shortcuts.
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Logotron Visual Fractions
Whiteboard resources for teaching fractions including visual resources, example files, tips, and 'how to' guides.
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Early Essentials
The Quick Start Guide introduces the individual applications within Early Essentials: Write, Turtle, Chart, Paint and Graph. Read about using the Teacher Setup, or how easy it is to create your own Wordbank. Find out how you can change an existing Template, or make your own. The Hints and Tips section will also add to your knowledge of the software.
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Magic Forest
Here you can find Hints and Tips, an online Program Guide, as well as a Teaching and Learning Guide with suggestions on how the software can be implemented in a classroom. There are also Additional Resources for use with Magic Forest, and an electronic copy (for download) of all four traditional stories featured in the software.
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