R-E-M has the most comprehensive educational database, constantly up-dated due to our close relationship with publishers and partners. This enables the R-E-M team to give you unbiased advice before you purchase software enabling you to make considered choices. Coupled with our approval service for schools you will be able to select the most appropriate programs for your pupils. The team is also on hand if you have a problem installing or running any program. This service is completely free, phone, email or fax your queries.
R-E-M are one of the few companies that give software technical support to customers. If you would like to email technical support for help please use the form below and give as much detail as possible. Please include title of software and platform, type of computer, memory, etc. and details of the problem. If possible please include a contact number, so we can get in touch if needed.
Note: Technical support can only be given for products purchased from REM.
Product Return Form :- Fill in this form to speed up the processing of your return. Customers filling in the returns form receive priority when dealing with returns.