Jigsaw Maker

Early Learning


Jigsaw Maker is a dazzling picture pack that turns proud young artists into beaming puzzle designers.

Jigsaw Maker provides key picture creation tools, plus others to cut pictures into 4, 6 or 9 squares and make ‘sliding block’ or ‘click-to-swap’ puzzles. Jigsaw Maker software is fully configurable and designed for the whole primary age-range, offering just a ‘pen’ for early learners to a complete set of ‘grown-up’ tools for older children, including Fill, Text, Undo, Load/Save, Print, plus symmetrical drawing and colouring and re-sizeable m... Arrow Read full description of Jigsaw Maker

* Save and Print * Problem-solving
Available from £12.75

Scally's World: Letters & Nouns

English & Literacy


Everything children need to know about letters and nouns and the sounds they make

"As a tool for enhancing early Literacy skills in the classroom, Scally's World: Letters & Nouns has got to be one of the best packages around." - TEEM (full review below)

In this literacy title from our ‘Scally’ range, children help the alien explore the funny shapes, amazing sounds and wonderful words that letters start and make.

Scally's World: Letters & Nouns features 16 carefully-graded interactive activities, each of which ... Arrow Read full description of Scally's World: Letters & Nouns

* Early nouns/letters/blends * Pre-set profiles by Year
Available from £17.00

Scally's World: Numbers & Sums

Maths & Numeracy


Entertaining and rewarding number-based games for youngsters

Scallys World: Numbers & Sums extends early Numeracy skills in an interactive way, closely linked to many of the core objectives for number, in Reception and Year 1. This is a quality product, featuring a vast variety of teacher controls making the program suitable for all abilities." - TEEM (full review below)

Scallys World: Numbers & Sums provides a range of learning and consolidation activities, at relevant difficulty levels, such as countin... Arrow Read full description of Scally's World: Numbers & Sums

* Powerful differentiation * Real (not synthesized) British speech
Available from £17.00

Scally's World: Verbs & Actions

English & Literacy


"For those of you not teaching in the 80s, Podd was a blob who would try to do what a child typed into the computer. It was simple but effective, and Scally has taken this concept and flown with it. World of Verbs and Actions is a bulging package with CD-ROM, handbook, cross-curricular links, storybook, the music for Scallys catchy song, plus even flash cards. The end result is a beautiful program which children enjoy and which can be configured to easily meet their needs." TES Online

Develop early Literacy and ICT skills by sp... Arrow Read full description of Scally's World: Verbs & Actions

* Increase vocabulary * Develop spelling, mouse and keyboard skills
Available from £17.00

Speaking for Myself PLUS

English & Literacy


Early years software that develops communication, cognitive and reading skills.

"Speaking for Myself PLUS provides an excellent resource for the teaching of speaking and listening. It is hugely interactive and can be used independently or by a small group or whole class through the use of an interactive whiteboard." - TEEM (More in 'Reviews and Quotes' below)

Speaking and listening skills are fundamental to every child’s development, and those who lack a good grounding often find early formal education a real challenge... Arrow Read full description of Speaking for Myself PLUS

* Encourages speech and listening * Signing and PCS throughout
Available from £17.00

Talking Clocks PLUS

Maths & Numeracy


"This is an excellent piece of software. Visually it is superb, it is easy to use and configure, and most importantly, it has been specifically designed to dovetail with the National Numeracy Strategy. A success story in helping pupils tell the time on analogue and/or digital clocks." - TEEM (See the full review below)

Bright and friendly animated talking clocks interact with learners, showing them how the hands of a clock move and how digital numerals change.

Four different activities teach the concepts and words involved in tellin... Arrow Read full description of Talking Clocks PLUS

* Activities by Year/Term * Whole-class demonstration * Animated, talking, digital or analogue 12 or 24 hour clocks
Available from £17.00

The DoIT Bumper Pack

Early Learning


40 Numeracy, Literacy, Design and Problem-solving activities + 320 worksheets!

Encouraging co-operative work and imagination, the DoIT Bumper Pack consists of varied and enjoyable activities for developing Literacy, Numeracy, Design and Thinking skills. .

Practising anagrams, finding meanings, opposites and word parts, counting, sorting and working with number patterns are ideal for the Literacy and Numeracy hours.

Easy-to-use Design tasks include shape, reflection, rotation, Carroll diagrams, Pelmanism puzzles and card a... Arrow Read full description of The DoIT Bumper Pack

* Co-operative work * Problem-solving
Available from £12.75

The Freddy Teddy Bumper Pack

Early Learning


Cross-curricular fun and learning with our much-loved 'Freddy Teddy'.

"This pack provided revision of numeral recognition and was fun! I think it will make a good addition to the National Numeracy Strategy activities." - Nursery Education

The Freddy Teddy Bumper Pack has six inspiring programs, all in one pack, designed to improve early learning skills like counting, controlling, sequencing (pre-Logo), recognising and remembering. In different everyday settings, children help Freddy to:

- rescue his ball by adding u... Arrow Read full description of The Freddy Teddy Bumper Pack

* Best-selling classic * Six titles in one pack * Includes the easiest-ever introduction to control, turtling and Logo
Available from £12.75


Tuesday 7th April, 2015
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