Stig of the Dump

English & Literacy

screen pack shot
  Age range     7-13 years  
  Key Stages     1-3  
  Scotland     P3-S1  
  Also suitable for     SEN  
  Author     Marshal Anderson  
  Available for     Windows and your VLE  
 Print-friendly product sheet for Stig of the Dump
Educational software interactive whiteboards
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Product information

"Whether you use Stig of the Dump as a huge comprehension exercise, a tool to encourage reading for meaning, the focus for integrated project work, or all three, this is one program which will encourage children to use skills the Curriculum does not encourage enough of: creative, lateral thinking." - EC&T (Educational Computing & Technology)

Clive King wrote Stig of the Dump way back, but it is still a popular novel in schools. This pack brings the story to life. Learners take the part of Barney in a "virtual environment" that contains people, objects and locations from his house and the dump.

Using their knowledge of the first three chapters of the book, pupils must enter instructions such as GO NORTH, IN and LIGHT FIRE. While exploring the dump, various objects must be located and problems solved, but the Handbook, complete with solution, will keep you one step ahead. The pack comes complete with a topic web for planning, ideas for linked work in Creative Writing, Science and Environmentalism and a map for pupils who find making their own tough.

Stig works best when tackled collaboratively (e.g by pupils sharing a computer or by a whole class enjoying this book-based experience across a network), so the VLE/SCORM versios now included in our Site Licence packs see below) encourage this. Pupils could, for example, be challenged to explore Stig at home. They can save positions to continue back at school and discuss/write about where they found the first treasure (flint) and where they hid it from Grandma - every good problem often has a number of equally great solutions!

An adventure that gets learners reading for meaning. Available on CD for Windows and also, if required, for your VLE/Learning Platform!

Explore the game online on Moodle - !
Supplied with
  • Stig of the Dump Handbook
  • Topic Web sheet
  • Map
  • Site Licence packs now include:
- a VLE/SCORM CD (see below for supported platforms)
    - a standard Windows Site Licence CD
      - a FREE Home Edition for pupils without home internet access
        Reviews and quotes
        "Whether you use Stig of the Dump as a huge comprehension exercise, a tool to encourage reading for meaning, the focus for integrated project work – or all three, this is one program which will encourage children to use skills the Curriculum does not encourage enough of: creative, lateral thinking." - EC&T (Educational Computing & Technology)

        "The title is ideal for Key Stage 2 pupils and supports the Literacy Curriculum. It is an excellent resource for classes using Stig of the Dump as a class reader. It also encourages reluctant readers to attempt the reading of the book." - TEEM ... 
        System requirements
        • Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32-bit)
        • Mouse or keyboard
        • Frog
        • Kaleidos
        • Moodle
        • Other VLEs as soon as they provide online test facilities - can you help?
        Pack prices
        Your purchase will be managed by our UK distributor, REM Ltd.
        Format and Licence Networkable Ex.Vat Inc.Vat Code 17985
        Windows CD-Single User £49.00 £58.80 71302-SU
        Windows CD-Licence 5 users £89.00 £106.80 71302-L5
        Windows CD-Licence 10 users £139.00 £166.80 71302-L10
        Windows CD-Licence 15 users £189.00 £226.80 71302-L15
        Windows CD-Primary Site Licence £239.00 £286.80 71302-PRI
        Windows CD-Secondary Site Licence £339.00 £406.80 71302-SEC
        Home Windows CD-Single User £17.02 £20.42 71351-SU
        Free online resources
        Downloadable demo(s)

        Download a Windows demo (23.7Mb)

        General teaching links
        NC (KS2-4): En2
        NLS: Text level (Reading comprehension) Y3-6
        Framework for teaching English: Text level (Reading for meaning) Y7-9 
        Small screenshot
        Think carefully about the objects you come across

        Small screenshot
        Explore the Dump through compass commands

        Small screenshot
        Use the object box to remember what you are carrying

        Small screenshot
        Down in the dumps? Save the game and try again later!

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        Tuesday 9th December, 2014
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