Logotron educational software
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education software
primary software creative tools for learning ICT secondary software tools for enquiring minds

Imagine Logo (Primary)

Subject:  ICT
Age range:  7-16 Years
National Curriculum:  Key Stage 2-4
Scottish Curriculum:  Level B-Standard Grade
Publisher:  Logotron

User reviews

Enabling learners to do more by doing less...

Building on the success of SuperLogo, Imagine Logo adds multiple page projects, easy to use direct drive painting tools, full animation capability, citing multimedia, rich speech generation and powerful web features to your Logo environment.

Modelling effects on screen
Imagine Logo comes with Polygon investigator, Initials and Spiral World investigations. It is easy to create your own similar types of investigation frameworks using Imagine Logo's turtles, buttons and sliders.

Multimedia presentation
Children can quickly create talking interactive storybooks, animated poems, and a wide variety of similar multimedia projects - each one of which can be saved as a web project or saved as standalone .exe programs.

Manipulating sound
The built in music chooser helps you to create a simple melody using notes dragged onto a stave or clicking the piano keyboard. You can also add midi, wave and video files to your projects, as well as creating your own spoken text.

Click here to enlarge
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Graphical modelling
Using the framework editor you can quickly create graphical modeling frameworks, with absolutely no programming -just drag and drop the objects you need, add your own pictures, speech and animations then save your finished, working framework.

Controlling a turtle
Use the exciting Simple Turtle framework to introduce the turtle commands, and support younger learners with the draggable turtle and the visual procedure builder -right up to using procedures inside other procedures. More confident users can paint a track on the background, change the shape of the turtle, add some command buttons and then move the turtle around the course they have made.

Cathy Pullan, West Berks LEA, talks about Imagine Logo

How do teachers respond to it?
"Once they've seen its potential they are inspired."

How do pupils respond to it?
"Children think it's fantastic. They love the different things you can do with it, adding sounds and animated images, making their own animations. Children don't want to finish their turn."

What are the main strengths of the product?
"It has no limits - except the children's imagination. It's easy to use to build up scenes and 'books'. It has so much flexibility - music, factual reports, fun stories and of course LOGO programming. Can be used by children of all abilities to produce good quality work."

How well does it match the curriculum and does it have cross-curricula potential in your view?
"Lots of cross-curricula potential: English and any subject - factual report writing, Art - movements and flip book type animations, Maths investigations and problem solving using the drag and drop screens and ready made activities and projects. English - making books for others to read, stimulating story writing, Music - using the melody maker to compose mood music.

Can be used by teachers to make activities for younger children to support different areas of the curriculum. I think that it fits into the curriculum very well - it has so much scope. I am still learning and discovering its potential... as are the children."

A Turtle's Guide to Imagining
Click here to enlarge A full colour, step-by-step introduction, which guides learners through a project based set of web and multimedia activities, is available free. The documentation contains a rich collection of themes directly applicable to the Numeracy and Literacy strategies.

Imagine update
Imagine Logo now offers a simple 'Launcher Interface', giving new users easy access to three new Imagine Logo 'frameworks':

  • Simple Turtle - visual turtle graphics and first steps in procedure building
  • LogoPoint - create attractive screen based multimedia presentations with speech
  • Drag and Drop - quickly build screen based drag and drop frameworks like 'dress teddy', 'weather forecast' or 'design your classroom'

Perhaps you just want to do Logo?
If this is the case, Imagine Logo now has the ultimate solution. Forget the multi-media options available to you. Ignore the facility to bring in video, to import sounds and images, to create music on-screen, to make your own animations, to integrate the web in to your project.

A brand-new option in Imagine Logo allows the user to choose a 'Superlogo' personality. It looks like Superlogo. It feels like Superlogo. It even behaves like Superlogo.

Using this new Superlogo option, users will have the opportunity to demonstrate fundamental basic skills such as, control and modelling, computer programming, sequencing and sorting.

Click here to enlarge You can use it exactly like Superlogo - and as in Superlogo, users will be able to:

  • Control on-screen turtles through logo commands
  • Bring in buttons to control their turtles
  • Change the shape of the turtles
  • Design shapes and patterns
  • Import backgrounds
  • Create procedures
  • Build up programs, which can be saved as free-standing applications.

Click here to enlarge Should they wish, pupils can still utilise the hidden aspects of Imagine Logo:

  • Draw directly on to the page and create their own backgrounds
  • Create their own mazes for their turtles to move through
  • Use multiple pages in their project
  • Design their own ANIMATED turtle
  • Introduce speech and sounds – make their turtle speak!
  • Bring in text and multi-media
  • Link their logo project to the Internet
  • Save their logo project to the web.
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Online resources

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Format and Licence Status Ex.Vat Inc.Vat Code 25541
Windows CD-Single User £59.00 £70.80 60898-SU
Windows CD-Licence 5 users £74.00 £88.80 60898-L5
Windows CD-Licence 10 users £125.00 £150.00 60898-L10
Windows CD-Licence 20 users £175.00 £210.00 60898-L20
Windows CD-Licence 30 users £223.00 £267.60 60898-L30
Windows CD-Net Site Licence £300.00 £360.00 60898-NET
Book-Single User Primary £19.00 £22.80 60913-SU
eDownload-Single User Full Version Download £43.00 £51.60 60989-SU
Network compatible
Requires title in bold(Single User license)
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