Logotron educational software
Partners with the teaching profession - Pioneers in Learning
education software
primary software creative tools for learning ICT secondary software tools for enquiring minds

Imagine Logo
Enabling learners to do more by doing less...

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Step by Step Activities

Twenty Things to Do with a Computer - by Seymour Papert & Cynthia Solomon

Design & evaluation of Maths related programs for Special Education

Imagine Logo Workbooks


Simple Turtle

Framework Editor

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Gallery of Work

Keyboard Shortcuts

Minimum Specification

Current software v.2.401a

"For some children it could, indeed, give wings to their imagination..."
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics

"You really can't go wrong with Imagine. It is a thousand programs rolled into one..."
Sue Broadbent, Waterloo and Moorside Primary Schools

"...any project that has been created can be saved as a stand-alone .exe file, or as a web page. Pupils are thus encouraged to think about audience during the authoring process..."
Jackie Prouse, Bradley Barton Primary School

"This is a situation in which ICT has been used as a tool to express, but also to explore, the imagination of each individual pupil."
Louise Siaw, Penwortham Primary School

"...a flexible program with excellent cross-curricular potential."
David Wynn, Rushall JMI School

"...as well as using Imagine in ICT, children at Stockham School have used Imagine in a variety of other subject areas, including Art, Maths and Literacy."
Stuart Taylor, Stockham School

Everything you need to support Creative ICT
in the primary classroom.

Find Step by Step Guides here to use in your classroom.

Click here to find out how you can easily print both turtle graphics and the turtle commands your children have typed as they explore using the turtle at a simple level...

You can look at our project gallery to give you more ideas of interesting things to do with Imagine Logo.

Find out more about Logopoint, Simple Turtle, and Framework Editor by clicking on a link.

Download plug-in from here.







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