"For some children it could, indeed, give wings to their imagination..."
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics
"You really can't go wrong with Imagine. It is a thousand programs rolled into one..."
Sue Broadbent, Waterloo and Moorside Primary Schools
"...any project that has been created can be saved as a stand-alone .exe file, or as a web page. Pupils are thus encouraged to think about audience during the authoring process..."
Jackie Prouse, Bradley Barton Primary School
"This is a situation in which ICT has been used as a tool to express, but also to explore, the imagination of each individual pupil."
Louise Siaw, Penwortham Primary School
"...a flexible program with excellent cross-curricular potential." David Wynn, Rushall JMI School
"...as well as using Imagine in ICT, children at Stockham School have used Imagine in a variety of other subject areas, including Art, Maths and Literacy."
Stuart Taylor, Stockham School