When customers encounter problems with this pack, we list them here and provide solutions. If you can't find your exact problem look for something similar. If all else fails, call, fax or email.
General issues
General Issues
I don't have ' textThing MFL '. My pack is called ' textThing PLUS '
You're on the wrong page. Click your browser's 'back' button and try again.
I can't get character clusters to work
In some editions of the Handbook there's a mistake on page 41. The instructions for character clusters state that groups should be separated by a ' # ' character. Each should in fact be separated from the next by a comma.
During installation on XP I get ' Cannot create file C:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx ' or similar
The CD is trying to update a file of that name, which is either in use by another program or is ' read only '. The best time to install any software is immediately after your PC has started. Make sure you shut down all applications including the ones in the System tray (bottom right of your screen). Alternatively try installing in 'safe' mode.
On XP with SP3 I get ' Runtime error 339: richtx32.ocx not correctly registered or file missing '
The RICHTX error can happen when the program hasn't been run once as Administrator. richtx.ocx is a Microsoft file that has to register itself in the registry the first time the program is run. On some machines the registry is write-only, which means that the program can't register the file. Run the software once as Administrator.
On Vista I get a ' runtime ' error about an incorrectly registered file, e.g. error 339/ocx, component picclp32.ocx missing or invalid
Please read the Vista section in General problems with installation or launching
I don't know how to create and load my own texts
This is explained in the Handbook. Look in your Start menu for the icon that launches the program - the PDF should be there too. If it's not, either re-install the software or (4.99 Mb), and go to pageĀ 50.